De fractie van Onafhankelijk Papendrecht stelde op 6 februari 2016 reeds vragen over de PFOA-gifzaak aan het bestuur van de Gemeenschappelijke Regeling Drechtsteden. Daarna volgde op initiatief van Onafhankelijk Papendrecht met regelmaat behandeling en bespreking in de commissies en in de gemeenteraad. Ook vroeg onze fractie bij herhaling aandacht voor de negatieve effecten op de volksgezondheid van de lozingen van de (inmiddels) zeer zorgwekkende stof GenX.
Gisteren werd officieel bekend gemaakt dat het Europees Agentschap voor Chemische stoffen (ECHA) de stof GenX heeft aangewezen als zeer zorgwekkende stof.
Inmiddels buitelen de verschillende overheden, van Colleges van gemeenten tot provincie en ook het Rijk (het Ministerie), over elkaar heen in het verwelkomen van dit succes. Want u weet het: succes kent vele vaders (en moeders)!
Wij zijn dan ook verheugd dat nu, na drie jaar van onafgebroken inzet van ook onze kant om deze zaak telkens weer op de agenda gezet te hebben, definitief is vastgesteld dat de GenX-technologie beslist niet zonder gevaren is en dat op wetenschappelijke wijze - en volgens de regels van het boekje - officieel is vastgesteld dat GenX op de lijst van de zeer zorgwekkende stoffen is komen te staan. GenX blijkt als opvolger van PFOA dus wel degelijk net zo giftig te zijn!
Het officiële bericht van ECHA leest u hieronder.

MSC unanimously agrees that HFPO-DA is a substance of very high concern
The Member State Committee (MSC) supported the Dutch proposal to identify HFPO-DA, its salts and acyl halides as substances of very high concern due to their probable serious effects on human health and the environment.
Helsinki, 27 June 2019 – The Member State Committee (MSC) unanimously agreed to identify 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(heptafluoropropoxy)propionic acid, its salts and its acyl halides (covering any of their individual isomers and combinations thereof) (denoted as HFPO-DA) as substances of very high concern (SVHCs).
The substances are used as processing aids for producing fluoro-polymers with many applications, such as fluoropolymer resins, wire cables and coatings. They were proposed by the Netherlands due to their properties which cause probable serious effects to human health and the environment, giving rise to an equivalent level of concern to carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (CMR), persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances.
At its meeting early this week, the MSC acknowledged that HFPO-DA has a high potential to cause effects in wildlife and in humans through the environment due to its very high persistence, mobility in water, potential for long-range transport, accumulation in plants and observed effects on human health and the environment.
Furthermore, the committee noted the lack of known natural removal of HFPO-DA once released, leading to a continuous presence in water and resulting in the continuous bioavailability of these substances. It also noted the expected exposure through the food chain and drinking water, as well as difficulties to remediate polluted media and remove HFPO-DA from drinking water.
Together, these contribute to a high potential of these substances for continuous, increasing and widespread exposure which would be difficult to reverse. While in isolation none of these observations may be of equivalent level of concern, the MSC unanimously agreed that in combination they show that there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to the environment and humans. The MSC also noted that co-exposure to other contaminants with similar effects may occur, which strengthens the concern for HFPO-DA.
ECHA will include the newly identified SVHCs in the Candidate List by mid-July 2019. Companies may have legal obligations with respect to these substances once they are published in the updated Candidate List.
Uit het archief: Emissies Chemours nog steeds te hoog